The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), a professional accreditation agency, has awarded accreditation to the degree programs offered by the Chadron State College Business Academy.

The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is a specialized accreditation association that reviews the quality and integrity of business degree programs.  ACBSP accreditation focuses on teaching excellence, continuous improvement, and quality and accredits business programs worldwide.

  • ACBSP offers an accreditation process uniquely focused on teaching excellence and student outcomes that is based on the Baldridge Education Criteria for Performance Excellence.
  • ACBSP accredited programs are focused on continuous improvement and quality for students to obtain knowledge and skills in demand by employers.
  • ACBSP encourages faculty involvement within the contemporary business world, as well as scholarly research and inquiry to enhance the quality of classroom instruction and to contribute to student learning.
Business Academy Graduates by Program
Business Academy Graduates by Program 2019 - 2023
Business Graduates 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
BA Comprehensive Major in Business Administration          
     Accounting Option, BA 26 21 15 18 11
     Agribusiness Option, BA 12 16 21 18 16
     Business Information Systems Option, BA 12 9 3 2 4
     Finance Option, BA 25 15 14 15 23
     Management Option, BA 17 22 14 17 22
     Marketing Option, BA 13 15 15 13 18
Total BA Comprehensive Major in Business Administration 105 98 82 83 94
BA Subject Major in Business Administration 9 6 3 9 3
Business Education          
     Business, Mktg, and IT 6-12, BSE* 2 2 1 0 2
     Basic Business Educ 6-12, BSE* 1 0 0 0 0
     Middle Grades Content 4-9* 1 0 0 0 0
     Total Undergraduate 118 106 86 92 99
Master of Business Administration 58 44 37 30 35
     Total Business Graduates 176 150 123 122 134

*Not accredited by ACBSP

Graduates by Academic Program Accredited by ACBSP

Graph showing gradusates by accredited ASCSP results are available if you contact the business academy

Business Graduates 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
BA Comprehensive Major in Business Administration 105 98 82 83 94
BA Subject Major in Business Administration 9 6 3 9 3
Master of Business Administration 58 44 37 30 35
Business Academy Enrollment and Retention

Business Academy Enrollment and Retention 2019-2023

Business Academy Enrollment and Retention 2019 - 2023
    2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023
    Enrolled Retained Enrolled Retained Enrolled Retained Enrolled Retained Enrolled Retained
New Freshmen 47 24 66 41 58 39 72 49 57 40
  New Transfers 49 29 26 15 32 22 38 24 30 21
  Continuing Freshman 15 10 24 12 22 11 20 14 18 11
  Continuing Sophomore 42 34 55 42 67 53 60 41 66 53
  Continuing Junior 76 64 60 49 66 51 65 58 71 61
  Continuing Senior 40 35 34 33 25 20 27 21 27 21
MBA New Student 30 20 23 19 25 19 43 32 31 22
  Continuing Student 40 34 26 18 24 19 26 19 38 32
ACBSP Standard 7 and NCES Statistics
Peregrine Results